How to Use original sin in a Sentence
original sin
To admit the South’s original sin is not to bash the South.
—Bill Daley,, 28 Feb. 2018
Adultery is not a very original sin, even in the White House.
—Joseph Epstein, WSJ, 26 Dec. 2018
At the center of this web is slavery, the original sin.
—Judy Berman, Time, 28 May 2021
It’s done in the saddest way, with the original sin of patricide.
—Ben Rosenstock, Vulture, 12 Feb. 2024
That choice, the original sin, is why our parents were thrown out of paradise.
—Karla Cornejo Villavicencio, The New Yorker, 18 Jan. 2021
The original sin was the decision to support the French rulers in Vietnam.
—New York Times, 9 June 2021
Or was there an original sin in Buckler’s drawing of a boundary around Boerum Hill in the first place?
—Jonathan Lethem, The New Yorker, 21 Aug. 2023
Sforno argues that the confession is not directly linked to the tithe process, but rather with the original sin of the golden calf.
—Rabbi Avi Weiss,, 31 Aug. 2020
As for Bloom, her original sin was asking Roth to marry her.
—Laura Marsh, The New Republic, 22 Mar. 2021
The whole idea of a convent is about creating a guilt-free space; a small paradise where the original sin doesn’t exist.
—Marta Balaga, Variety, 25 Sep. 2021
After all, when a show is called Original Sin, that points to ... an original sin.
—Samantha Highfill,, 13 May 2022
Seforno argues that the confession is not directly linked to the tithe process, but rather with the original sin of the golden calf.
—Rabbi Avi Weiss, Jewish Journal, 5 Sep. 2017
The signs seemed to remind visitors to bend down and retie their shoelaces, perhaps to gather a promising souvenir or two of the original sin in the process.
—New York Times, 3 Aug. 2021
It’s past time to connect the dots of America’s original sin to the black resistance of today.
—Darcel Rockett,, 20 Aug. 2019
Both the university and the public thought was his original sin.
—Shawn Windsor, Detroit Free Press, 29 June 2018
At Andreadamo, the southern Italian designer challenged the myth of Eve as the bringer of original sin.
—Colleen Barry, ajc, 25 Feb. 2023
Our societies did not begin that way, and that is our original sin.
—Sahil Handa, National Review, 13 June 2019
This country isn’t trying to atone for the original sin of slavery because it’s being overrun by racists yelling slurs in the streets.
—Los Angeles Times, 5 June 2020
His medium, his material, is human frailty, the near end of original sin, and the tools of his trade are the glad hand, the scratched back, the padded envelope, the cut corner, and the jumped line.
—James Parker, The Atlantic, 5 Oct. 2017
For years we've been told that the original sin of the Affordable Care Act was that it was procedurally flawed.
—Alaska Dispatch News, 26 Sep. 2017
The American South is the home of America’s original sin.
—David French, National Review, 11 July 2019
For Catholics, baptism is connected with huge concepts, including original sin and the fate of the soul.
—Washington Post, 8 Nov. 2020
But the company’s original sin was to borrow against its own FTT token, which was held up by nothing but air.
—Andy Kessler, WSJ, 27 Nov. 2022
As a once-Catholic, the Protestant emphasis on original sin baffles me.
—Cyrena Touros, Harper's BAZAAR, 28 Mar. 2021
In their hands, America’s original sin is settled by the wishful effort to wash the nation clean.
—Eddie S. Glaude Jr., TIME, 15 Apr. 2024
For privilege is a static state into which you are born, stained by original sin.
—Lionel Shriver, Harper's magazine, 25 Nov. 2019
The original sin here is that the Tories insist on treating trade as a Brexit bargaining chip.
—The Editorial Board, WSJ, 12 Oct. 2017
That, of course, was not the whole truth; America’s original sin of slavery would cast a terrible shadow.
—Roger Cohen, New York Times, 18 Dec. 2017
Towne had found an original sin on which to build his story, but the audacity of the crime and the sheer depth of conspiracy required to pull it off seemed impossible to fit into a screenplay.
—Chris Stanton, The Atlantic, 25 June 2024
That’s arguably true as a question of history, though increasingly embracing a narrative of secular original sin is part of what’s put the Democratic Party in this hole in the first place.
—Harry Siegel, New York Daily News, 20 July 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'original sin.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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